Museum of Flight Rides

To help celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Gossamer Albatross Flight
over the English Channel, the club put together a few routes to the musuem.

The routes started from Gasworks Park, Mercer Island,
Downtown Auburn and Tukwila's Fort Dent Park.

Two of the routes were on urban streets with a few good climbs
and two were all on family friendly flat paved trails.

All routes had the Museum of Flight as a mid way point where
members could either picnic outside or dine inside at the Wings Cafe.

Along with getting to see the Gossamer Albatross at the museum,
members got to see a film taken of the plane crossing the channel.

In the main wing of the museum is a collection of all kinds of planes
from the early 30s and 40s as well as a replicate of the Wright's plane.

In the older section of the museum are replicates of early
aircraft construction including pictures of Boeing during WWII.

One wing of interest displayed planes from WWI and WWII,
showing the viewer how plane designs have evolved over the years.

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