Mercer Island - Magnolia
There is no better way to start a month that a Mercer Island ride
to Magnolia to check our Puget Sound and all the scenery on the way.
There is also no better way to start a month than having
good cycling weather with a nice bright sun above.
Today we had it all with even a great lemondade stand
in route for members to stop and support.
Of course we also had to make a stop at Gasworks Park
for socializing and pictures.
Then we had to stop at the Ballard Locks to check out vessels
coming through the channel for the Offical Opening of Boat Season.
After the locks we head straight to Magnolia to checkout
the spectacular vistas of Puget Sound.
We end our ride with a stop in downtown Seattle for late ride snacks
before returning to our start point after a fun day of cycling.