Providing blanket advice on how to deal with dogs in every situation is
impossible. Different dogs-like their owners-have different personalities. In
Effective Cycling, John Forester notes that two schools of thought exist
concerning how to deal with dogs. Some say to be aggressive. while others prefer
a non-aggressive approach.
The Aggressive Approach
Many times dogs will retreat if you employ the time-honored technique of shouting
"No!" or "Go home!" These specific phrases are heard often enough to startle the
dog and cause it to stop dead in his tracks. You may also choose to spray the dog
in the face with water from your water bottle. or to spray it with a noxious chemical.
More drastic measures like kicking or hitting the dog with a pump are not recommended
because you are forced to sacrifice control of your bike.
The Non-Aggressive Approach
Others argue against being aggressive and promote talking to the dog in a calm voice.
Many dogs are more interested in chasing a cyclist than biting one. It is better not
to take your chances, however, by coming to a complete stop to scratch it behind the
ears-you never know how it might react. The non-aggressive approach is often the safer
of the two options.
A word of caution, if you choose the non-aggressive approach; it is a good idea to
have a back-up stick or a can of pepper spray in hand, just in case your soft words
fall upon deaf ears.
Know Your #1 Priority
No matter what method of interspecies interaction you choose when dealing with a
dog. you'll want to avoid hitting the dog with your front wheel. Whether you are
laboring up a hill on a loaded touring bike at seven mph, or later that same day
pushing 40 mph while going down a hill, your first priority must be to not let the
dog divert your front wheel since the end result will likely be a fall. Most of
us have a fear of being bitten by a chasing dog. This fear may or may not be
warranted, but dogs cause more injuries to cyclists when they cause falls than
from when they bite. So when you come upon that "mad dog", keep both feet on the
pedals, both hands on the handlebars, and be ready to apply the brakes. Only
after your front wheel is past the dog should you worry about being bitten.
Some Final Words of Advice:
you don't need to worry about dogs that stay on their property; that's what they
are trained to do. Only worry when they come onto the road. Also a silent dog is
much more of a danger than a barking dog. No cyclist has ever been bitten by a
barking dog. Think about it...